Anselm Kiefer at the Palazzo Ducale
P.za San Marco, 1
Venezia VE
Bastian is proud to announce that Anselm Kiefer will be exhibiting in the Palazzo Ducale.
The exhibition is set to be the centrepiece of the fifth edition of MUVE Contemporaneo, the biennale organized by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia; the key concern of which is to reflect on the relationship between contemporary art and museums.
The opening of the eagerly awaited installation by Anselm Kiefer, one of the leading artists active today, is part of the celebrations for the 1600th Anniversary of the Foundation of Venice. The title of the work is from the writings of the Venetian philosopher Andrea Emo: “Questi scritti, quando verranno bruciati, daranno finalmente un po’ di luce” (“When they are burnt, these writings will finally provide some light”).
– Palazzo Ducale