Paul Wallach at Lia Rumma
We are pleased to announce the opening of Paul Wallach’s exhibition Momentality at Lia Rumma. The exhibition is opening on Thursday, 18 January 2024 at their gallery space in Naples.
For his first exhibition in Italy, the artist presents a selection of recent as well as some historical works. Referring to the title the artist explains: Momentality as a word does not as yet exist in the dictionary. I combined the words Moment and Monumental and in doing so, I simply refer to the monumentality of the moment. The moment being that which can be seen as insignificant, banal yet at the same time that which defines all of everything. As, that what happens in the moment, inevitably, effects all that follows. The creative process and the resulting oeuvres being prime examples.
Paul Wallach, Momentality, 2023, © Paul Wallach, Courtesy Lia Rumma Gallery