Haus Bastian

König, Walther; 1st edition (21 Jan. 2019)
Language: German
49.50 €
All items are available for mail order (plus additional shipping fees). Selected items can also be purchased at the gallery.
Haus Bastian can be found in Museum Island, Berlin, and is one of the most outstanding works of architecture in Germany. It was designed as a gallery building by David Chipperfield Architects, Berlin, and it conducts a unique dialogue from its own presentness in minimalist, purist grace, with the complementarity of historical topography. This publication is dedicated to the building, its architecture and the exhibitions that have been shown since its opening in 2007 until today. Also documented are the competition designs by Zumthor, Kollhoff and Gehry.
Text: Aeneas Bastian, Heiner Bastian, David Chipperfield, Monika Grüttters, Anselm Kiefer, Hermann Parzinger, Alexander Schwarz