Joseph Beuys – Sculptures / Sculptures

Published by Céline, Aeneas und Heiner Bastian
With texts by Aeneas Bastian, Heiner Bastian and David Franklin
108 pages, 95 colour plates
Size: 30.7 x 22.7 cm, hardcover
Schirmer/Mosel Verlag, Munich, 2015
English/German edition
22 € (plus postage fees)
Joseph Beuys transferred us to a state of astonishment with each new sculpture. As these works increasingly found their places in museums, we recognized that they did not fulfil that solitary museological appropriation. No monuments to happiness, and none to solitude! Joseph Beuys insisted instead on a definition of art, which asked questions, he insisted on parables and thought images (Denkbilder), which must reflect our existence in all its destitution and yet hidden richness. Everything in this grandiose œuvre, the seemingly archaic architecture of form and colour, has passed through this thought image: a truth that could be passed for Joseph Beuys the only aesthetic that counted.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition »Joseph Beuys – Sculptures and Objects«, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Nov. 26, 2015 – Nov. 27, 2017.